tl;dr: Several Pokémon can Mega Evolve, including popular ones like Charizard, Mewtwo, Blastoise, Lucario, and more, with more additions in subsequent generations.
What is Mega Evolution?
Mega Evolution is a special feature introduced in the Pokémon series that allows certain Pokémon to temporarily evolve into a more powerful form during battles. This evolution is triggered by the use of a Mega Stone, a special item that is specific to each Pokémon species. Today, Mew will share with you about what Pokemon can Mega Evolve?
When a Pokémon mega evolves, it gains increased stats, new abilities, and sometimes even changes in its type. Mega Evolution can greatly enhance a Pokémon’s battle capabilities, making it a sought-after strategy for trainers looking to gain an advantage in battles.
Pokemon that can Mega Evolve
There are numerous Pokémon that have the ability to mega evolve. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:
Venusaur is a Grass/Poison-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Venusaur. Mega Venusaur gains the Thick Fat ability, which reduces the damage taken from Fire and Ice-type moves.
Charizard, a Fire/Flying-type Pokémon, has two mega evolution forms: Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y. Mega Charizard X becomes a Fire/Dragon-type and gains the Tough Claws ability, while Mega Charizard Y retains its Fire/Flying typing and gains the Drought ability, which summons intense sunlight.
Blastoise, a Water-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Blastoise. Mega Blastoise gains the Mega Launcher ability, which powers up its pulse and aura moves.
Beedrill is a Bug/Poison-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Beedrill. Mega Beedrill gains the Adaptability ability, which increases the power of its same-type moves.

Pidgeot, a Normal/Flying-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Pidgeot. Mega Pidgeot gains the No Guard ability, which ensures that all moves used by or against it will always hit.
Alakazam, a Psychic-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Alakazam. Mega Alakazam gains the Trace ability, which allows it to copy the ability of its opponent.
Slowbro, a Water/Psychic-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Slowbro. Mega Slowbro gains the Shell Armor ability, which prevents critical hits from landing.
Gengar, a Ghost/Poison-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Gengar. Mega Gengar gains the Shadow Tag ability, which prevents opposing Pokémon from switching out.
Kangaskhan is a Normal-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Kangaskhan. Mega Kangaskhan gains the Parental Bond ability, which allows it to attack twice in one turn.
Pinsir is a Bug-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Pinsir. Mega Pinsir gains the Aerilate ability, which turns Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves and powers them up.
Gyarados, a Water/Flying-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Gyarados. Mega Gyarados gains the Mold Breaker ability, which allows it to ignore the abilities of its opponents.
Aerodactyl is a Rock/Flying-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Aerodactyl. Mega Aerodactyl gains the Tough Claws ability, which increases the power of its contact moves.
Mewtwo, a Psychic-type Pokémon, has two mega evolution forms: Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y. Mega Mewtwo X becomes a Psychic/Fighting-type and gains the Steadfast ability, while Mega Mewtwo Y retains its Psychic typing and gains the Insomnia ability, which prevents it from falling asleep.
Ampharos, an Electric-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Ampharos. Mega Ampharos gains the Mold Breaker ability, which allows it to ignore the abilities of its opponents.
Scizor is a Bug/Steel-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Scizor. Mega Scizor gains the Technician ability, which powers up its weaker moves.
Heracross is a Bug/Fighting-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Heracross. Mega Heracross gains the Skill Link ability, which ensures that multi-hit moves always hit the maximum number of times.
Houndoom, a Dark/Fire-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Houndoom. Mega Houndoom gains the Solar Power ability, which boosts its Special Attack in harsh sunlight.
Tyranitar is a Rock/Dark-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Tyranitar. Mega Tyranitar gains the Sand Stream ability, which summons a sandstorm upon entering battle.
Blaziken, a Fire/Fighting-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Blaziken. Mega Blaziken gains the Speed Boost ability, which increases its Speed after each turn.
Gardevoir, a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Gardevoir. Mega Gardevoir gains the Pixilate ability, which turns Normal-type moves into Fairy-type moves and powers them up.
Mawile, a Steel/Fairy-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Mawile. Mega Mawile gains the Huge Power ability, which doubles its Attack stat.
Aggron is a Steel/Rock-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Aggron. Mega Aggron gains the Filter ability, which reduces the damage taken from super-effective moves.
Medicham is a Fighting/Psychic-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Medicham. Mega Medicham gains the Pure Power ability, which doubles its Attack stat.
Manectric, an Electric-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Manectric. Mega Manectric gains the Intimidate ability, which lowers the Attack stat of its opponents upon entering battle.
Sharpedo is a Water/Dark-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Sharpedo. Mega Sharpedo gains the Strong Jaw ability, which increases the power of its biting moves.
Camerupt, a Fire/Ground-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Camerupt. Mega Camerupt gains the Sheer Force ability, which increases the power of its moves with additional effects.
Altaria is a Dragon/Flying-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Altaria. Mega Altaria gains the Pixilate ability, which turns Normal-type moves into Fairy-type moves and powers them up.
Banette, a Ghost-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Banette. Mega Banette gains the Prankster ability, which gives priority to its non-damaging moves.
Absol is a Dark-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Absol. Mega Absol gains the Magic Bounce ability, which reflects non-damaging moves back at the opponent.
Glalie, an Ice-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Glalie. Mega Glalie gains the Refrigerate ability, which turns Normal-type moves into Ice-type moves and powers them up.
Salamence, a Dragon/Flying-type Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Salamence. Mega Salamence gains the Aerilate ability, which turns Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves and powers them up.
Metagross is a Steel/Psychic-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Metagross. Mega Metagross gains the Tough Claws ability, which increases the power of its contact moves.
Rayquaza, a Dragon/Flying-type Legendary Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Rayquaza. Mega Rayquaza does not require a Mega Stone to mega evolve and gains the Delta Stream ability, which eliminates the effects of weather conditions.
Lopunny is a Normal-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Lopunny. Mega Lopunny gains the Scrappy ability, which allows it to hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal and Fighting-type moves.
Garchomp is a Dragon/Ground-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Garchomp. Mega Garchomp gains the Sand Force ability, which boosts the power of its Ground, Rock, and Steel-type moves during a sandstorm.
Lucario is a Fighting/Steel-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Lucario. Mega Lucario gains the Adaptability ability, which increases the power of its same-type moves.
Abomasnow is a Grass/Ice-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Abomasnow. Mega Abomasnow gains the Snow Warning ability, which summons a hailstorm upon entering battle.
Gallade is a Psychic/Fighting-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Gallade. Mega Gallade gains the Inner Focus ability, which prevents it from flinching.
Audino is a Normal/Fairy-type Pokémon that can mega evolve into Mega Audino. Mega Audino gains the Healer ability, which has a chance to heal its allies’ status conditions.
Diancie, a Rock/Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon, can mega evolve into Mega Diancie. Mega Diancie gains the Magic Bounce ability, which reflects non-damaging moves back at the opponent.
Conclusion on What Pokemon can Mega Evolve
In conclusion, there are numerous Pokémon that have the ability to mega evolve. Each of these Pokémon gains unique abilities and stat boosts, making them formidable opponents in battles.
Whether you’re a fan of Venusaur’s Thick Fat, Charizard’s dual mega evolution forms, or the sheer power of Mega Rayquaza, there’s a mega evolved Pokémon for every trainer’s strategy. So, go out there and discover the power of mega evolution in your Pokémon battles!
FAQs on what Pokemon can Mega Evolve
Which Pokémon to Mega Evolve?
The Mega Evolved Pokémon are identified by having “Mega” in front of their name, such as Mega Altaria or Mega Ampharos. In the case of Charizard and Mewtwo, each of them has two Mega Evolutions with either the letter X or Y after the species name: Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Mewtwo X, and Mega Mewtwo Y.
What is the strongest Mega Evolution?
Strongest: Mega Rayquaza. Along with Mega Mewtwo X and Y, Mega Rayquaza has the highest base stats of any other Pokémon. A big advantage to having Mega Rayquaza on your team is that it does not require a mega stone. This allows the player to use other useful items to support Mega Rayquaza in combat.
What mythical can Mega Evolve?
While technically a Mythical Pokémon, Diancie has the ability to Mega Evolve and is the only Mythical Pokémon that can. Mega Diancie was beautiful to begin with, but its Shiny form makes it breathtaking.
Can you permanently Mega Evolve?
Mega evolving is not permanent. Your Pokémon will revert back to their normal appearance as soon as the battle ends.
Originally posted 2023-10-13 03:41:58.