What Are Rock Pokemon Weak Against? A Complete Guide

tl;dr: Rock Pokemon are weak against Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel, and Ice types.

Grass Types

Rock-type Pokemon are known for their sturdy defense and powerful physical attacks. However, they also have their fair share of weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the various types that Rock Pokemon are weak against, providing you with valuable insights to help you strategize your battles effectively.

Water Types

water type Pokemon

Water-type Pokemon have a distinct advantage over Rock-type Pokemon. Their water-based attacks can erode and wear down the rocky exterior of Rock Pokemon, dealing significant damage. Additionally, Water-type moves are often super effective against Rock types, making them a formidable opponent. Some notable Water-type Pokemon that can exploit this weakness include Blastoise, Gyarados, and Lapras.

Grass Types

Grass-type Pokemon also pose a significant threat to Rock-type Pokemon. Their natural affinity for plant-based attacks allows them to exploit the weaknesses of Rock Pokemon. Grass-type moves can easily penetrate the rocky defenses, dealing substantial damage. Pokemon such as Venusaur, Exeggutor, and Ferrothorn are excellent choices to counter Rock-type opponents.

Fighting Types

What's Good Against Fighting Pokemon

Fighting-type Pokemon are known for their incredible strength and prowess in close combat. When pitted against Rock-type Pokemon, their powerful punches and kicks can shatter the rocky exterior, leaving the Rock Pokemon vulnerable. Fighting-type moves are super effective against Rock types, making them an ideal choice for battles. Machamp, Lucario, and Conkeldurr are formidable Fighting-type Pokemon that can exploit this weakness.

Ground Types

Ground type Pokemon

Ground-type Pokemon have a natural advantage over Rock-type Pokemon due to their ability to manipulate the earth. Ground-type moves can cause tremors and earthquakes, which can easily crumble the defenses of Rock Pokemon. Additionally, Ground-type moves are super effective against Rock types, making them a formidable opponent. Garchomp, Excadrill, and Flygon are notable Ground-type Pokemon that can exploit this weakness.

Steel Types

steel type pokemon

Steel-type Pokemon possess incredible durability and resistance, making them a formidable opponent for Rock-type Pokemon. Their metallic bodies can withstand the physical attacks of Rock Pokemon, while their Steel-type moves can deal significant damage. Steel-type moves are often super effective against Rock types, making them an ideal choice for battles. Pokemon such as Steelix, Metagross, and Scizor are excellent choices to counter Rock-type opponents.

Ice Types

ice type pokemon

Ice-type Pokemon can exploit the weaknesses of Rock-type Pokemon due to their ability to freeze and shatter solid objects. Ice-type moves can cause the rocky exterior of Rock Pokemon to become brittle, making them susceptible to further damage. Additionally, Ice-type moves are often super effective against Rock types, making them a formidable opponent. Pokemon such as Lapras, Articuno, and Mamoswine are notable Ice-type Pokemon that can exploit this weakness.

Comparison Table

Ice Types

Type Advantage Against Rock Pokemon Notable Pokemon
Water Erodes rocky defenses Blastoise, Gyarados, Lapras
Grass Penetrates rocky defenses Venusaur, Exeggutor, Ferrothorn
Fighting Shatters rocky exterior Machamp, Lucario, Conkeldurr
Ground Crumbles defenses with tremors Garchomp, Excadrill, Flygon
Steel Withstands physical attacks Steelix, Metagross, Scizor
Ice Freezes and shatters rocky exterior Lapras, Articuno, Mamoswine

By understanding the weaknesses of Rock-type Pokemon, you can strategically choose your team and moves to gain an advantage in battles. Remember to exploit these weaknesses while also considering the strengths and weaknesses of your own Pokemon. With this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to take on any Rock-type opponent that comes your way!


  • What type are Rock Pokemon weak against?

    Rock-type Pokemon have five primary weaknesses when it comes to moves and opposing Pokemon types: Grass, Water, Steel, Fighting, and Ground-types. Therefore, when looking to take down a Rock-type Pokemon, bring along a team that includes Pokemon which belong to those categories.

  • What are rocks weak to?

    Rock has 6 weaknesses – Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel and Ice.

  • Is Rock weak to fighting?

    Rock Pokemon are weak against Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water types. What are Rock Pokemon strong against? Rock Pokemon are strong against Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice types.

Originally posted 2023-04-23 05:45:23.

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